Data Scientist

A 10-day training program + Certification Day to transform Big Data into Smart Data and create effective solutions to improve decision-making, analysis, production and business processes.

Certification program goals

  • Understand how to set up and implement Big Data Analytics projects, through a comprehension of the enabling infrastructure and the algorithms to be used
  • Acquire the methodologies and tools for collecting, organizing, manipulating and analyzing data in order to extract value and useful information from them (Data Mining)
  • Develop visualization solutions to support the understanding of data and to report data-driven information accurately and effectively in order to improve and speed decision-making processes up even in complex environments (Data Visualization)
  • Master key statistical analysis and Machine Learning techniques to learn from data and build analytical models for ranking, understanding, and predicting phenomena of interest.


  • Managers and IT Professionals
  • Data Analysis Specialists, Process Engineers, Energy and Quality Specialists
  • Managers and Business Process Improvement Professionals who want to be able to effectively use Data Science methodologies and tools
  • Managers and Professionals who want to acquire the ability to effectively develop Data Driven models to support business decisions


  • Big Data: the central role of data as a strategic factor in business development
  • Processing data implementing industrial statistics Inferential analysis tools & model fitting
  • Programming methods
  • Data Collection
  • Big Data
  • Data Visualization
  • Machine Learning


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Bologna|Milano|Padova|Miami|New York|Orlando|New Delhi|Bangalore|Pune|Ho Chi Minh|Hanoi|Seoul