Digital Roundtable”The challenges in the age of Digital Transformation from Silicon Valley perspective”

In collaboration with UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology to share insight about how the digitalization will have impact on your firm’s business strategy, leadership and culture | 17th September 2020

ALEXANDER FRED-OJALA and MARCUS ZETHRAEUS  will be the Guests in this digital roundtable to share Silicon Valley perspective on:

  • Data-Driven Business Model
  • Blockchain
  • Innovation Frameworks
  • Exponential Growth

During the live streaming, participants have the opportunity to interact with Q&A sessions.

Michele Bonfiglioli, CEO Bonfiglioli Consulting


  • Alexander Fred-Ojala  is AI & Blockchain Director, University of California, Berkeley and Co-founder and CEO of Predli Top-Tier Emerging Technology Advisory.
  • Marcus Zethraeus, is Co-Founder of Predli, Top-Tier Emerging Technology Advisory offering world-class advise on emerging technology strategy, implementation, data driven business model Predli empowers Fortune 500 companies, SMEs, and startups to rapidly utilize the benefit of emerging technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Innovation.


SAVE THE DATE | 17th – 18th November 2020
Digital Innovation X – Two day Master Class for Executives & Leaders | This Master Class tackles the challenge of business creation and business transformation in the age of Digital Transformation. It is a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know in order to implement a successful digital strategy supporting leadership within your industry.


Leggi l’intervista a Gigi Wang, Industry Fellow & Faculty at UC  Berkeley’s Sutardja Center for  Entrepreneurship.


17/09/2020 Live Webinar | ore 16


Digital Innovation X | Master Class per competere nel mercato data-driven

Questa Master Class affronta la sfida della trasformazione del proprio business per competere nel mercato data-driven di oggi e di domani | 17-18 novembre 2020

Bologna|Milano|Modena|Padova|New York|Orlando|New Delhi|Bangalore|Pune|Ho Chi Minh City|Hanoi|Seul