Financial services

We support your company in riding the transformations that the financial sector is facing and we show you how to take advantage of the extraordinary opportunities offered by a rapidly changing market.

Words like Digitization, Mobile Services, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, identify some of the technological macro trends which are deeply influencing this sector.

This sector will have to continue reinventing itself over and over again in light of the unstoppable diffusion of services such as home banking, mobile payments, online trading, AI algorithms for investment management, Blockchain etc.

We are facing progressive dematerialization of payment and investment means and, in parallel the rethinking of the “where” in “banking””. All this should not be considered as a risk, but as an extraordinary opportunity for all players in this sector.

Bonfiglioli Consulting can support you on this journey towards the future:

  • Find out how, thanks to Lean Digital Transformation, introducing new technologies is also an opportunity to optimize business processes with the ultimate goal of reaching Operational Excellence,
  • Take advantage of our Value Innovation skills set to design innovative products, services and business models to seize all opportunities offered by the market and boost customer satisfaction and profits,
  • Introduce our Change Management approaches to align your organization with new market challenges and foster the cultural change that will unlock the extraordinary potential of your resources.

Our Customers

Bologna|Milano|Modena|Padova|New York|Orlando|New Delhi|Bangalore|Pune|Ho Chi Minh City|Hanoi|Seul